Source code for gluon.languages

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

| This file is part of the web2py Web Framework
| Copyrighted by Massimo Di Pierro <>
| License: LGPLv3 (
| Plural subsystem is created by Vladyslav Kozlovskyy (Ukraine) <>

Translation system

import os
import re
import sys
import pkgutil
import logging
from cgi import escape
from threading import RLock

    import copyreg as copy_reg # python 3
except ImportError:
    import copy_reg # python 2

from gluon.portalocker import read_locked, LockedFile
from utf8 import Utf8

from gluon.fileutils import listdir
from gluon.cfs import getcfs
from gluon.html import XML, xmlescape
from gluon.contrib.markmin.markmin2html import render, markmin_escape
from string import maketrans

__all__ = ['translator', 'findT', 'update_all_languages']

ostat = os.stat
oslistdir = os.listdir
pjoin = os.path.join
pexists = os.path.exists
pdirname = os.path.dirname
isdir = os.path.isdir


# language doesn't use plural forms
# only one singular/plural form is used
# word is unchangeable
DEFAULT_CONSTRUCT_PLURAL_FORM = lambda word, plural_id: word

NUMBERS = (int, long, float)

# pattern to find T(blah blah blah) expressions
PY_STRING_LITERAL_RE = r'(?<=[^\w]T\()(?P<name>'\
    + r"[uU]?[rR]?(?:'''(?:[^']|'{1,2}(?!'))*''')|"\
    + r"(?:'(?:[^'\\]|\\.)*')|" + r'(?:"""(?:[^"]|"{1,2}(?!"))*""")|'\
    + r'(?:"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"))'

PY_M_STRING_LITERAL_RE = r'(?<=[^\w]T\.M\()(?P<name>'\
    + r"[uU]?[rR]?(?:'''(?:[^']|'{1,2}(?!'))*''')|"\
    + r"(?:'(?:[^'\\]|\\.)*')|" + r'(?:"""(?:[^"]|"{1,2}(?!"))*""")|'\
    + r'(?:"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"))'

regex_translate = re.compile(PY_STRING_LITERAL_RE, re.DOTALL)
regex_translate_m = re.compile(PY_M_STRING_LITERAL_RE, re.DOTALL)
regex_param = re.compile(r'{(?P<s>.+?)}')

# pattern for a valid accept_language
regex_language = \
regex_langfile = re.compile('^[a-z]{2,3}(-[a-z]{2})?\.py$')
regex_backslash = re.compile(r"\\([\\{}%])")
regex_plural = re.compile('%({.+?})')
regex_plural_dict = re.compile('^{(?P<w>[^()[\]][^()[\]]*?)\((?P<n>[^()\[\]]+)\)}$')  # %%{word(varname or number)}
regex_plural_tuple = re.compile(
    '^{(?P<w>[^[\]()]+)(?:\[(?P<i>\d+)\])?}$')  # %%{word[index]} or %%{word}
regex_plural_file = re.compile('^plural-[a-zA-Z]{2}(-[a-zA-Z]{2})?\.py$')

def is_writable():
    """ returns True if and only if the filesystem is writable """
    from gluon.settings import global_settings
    return not global_settings.web2py_runtime_gae

def safe_eval(text):
    if text.strip():
            import ast
            return ast.literal_eval(text)
        except ImportError:
            return eval(text, {}, {})
    return None

# used as default filter in translator.M()

def markmin(s):
    def markmin_aux(m):
        return '{%s}' % markmin_escape('s'))
    return render(regex_param.sub(markmin_aux, s),
                  sep='br', autolinks=None, id_prefix='')

# UTF8 helper functions

def upper_fun(s):
    return unicode(s, 'utf-8').upper().encode('utf-8')

def title_fun(s):
    return unicode(s, 'utf-8').title().encode('utf-8')

def cap_fun(s):
    return unicode(s, 'utf-8').capitalize().encode('utf-8')
ttab_in = maketrans("\\%{}", '\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f')
ttab_out = maketrans('\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f', "\\%{}")

# cache of translated messages:
# global_language_cache:
# { 'languages/':
#     ( {"def-message": "xx-message",
#        ...
#        "def-message": "xx-message"}, lock_object )
#  'languages/': ( {dict}, lock_object )
#  ...
# }

global_language_cache = {}

def get_from_cache(cache, val, fun):
    lang_dict, lock = cache
        result = lang_dict.get(val)
    if result:
        return result
        result = lang_dict.setdefault(val, fun())
    return result

def clear_cache(filename):
    cache = global_language_cache.setdefault(
        filename, ({}, RLock()))
    lang_dict, lock = cache

def read_dict_aux(filename):
    lang_text = read_locked(filename).replace('\r\n', '\n')
        return safe_eval(lang_text) or {}
    except Exception:
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
        status = 'Syntax error in %s (%s)' % (filename, e)
        return {'__corrupted__': status}

def read_dict(filename):
    """ Returns dictionary with translation messages
    return getcfs('lang:' + filename, filename,
                  lambda: read_dict_aux(filename))

def read_possible_plural_rules():
    Creates list of all possible plural rules files
    The result is cached in PLURAL_RULES dictionary to increase speed
    plurals = {}
        import gluon.contrib.plural_rules as package
        for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(package.__path__):
            if len(modname) == 2:
                module = __import__(package.__name__ + '.' + modname,
                lang = modname
                pname = modname + '.py'
                nplurals = getattr(module, 'nplurals', DEFAULT_NPLURALS)
                get_plural_id = getattr(
                    module, 'get_plural_id',
                construct_plural_form = getattr(
                    module, 'construct_plural_form',
                plurals[lang] = (lang, nplurals, get_plural_id,
    except ImportError:
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
        logging.warn('Unable to import plural rules: %s' % e)
    return plurals

PLURAL_RULES = read_possible_plural_rules()

def read_possible_languages_aux(langdir):
    def get_lang_struct(lang, langcode, langname, langfile_mtime):
        if lang == 'default':
            real_lang = langcode.lower()
            real_lang = lang
         ) = PLURAL_RULES.get(real_lang[:2], ('default',
        if prules_langcode != 'default':
             pluraldict_mtime) = plurals.get(real_lang,
                                                         ('' % real_lang, 0)))
            pluraldict_fname = None
            pluraldict_mtime = 0
        return (langcode,        # language code from !langcode!
                # language name in national spelling from !langname!
                langfile_mtime,  # m_time of language file
                pluraldict_fname,  # name of plural dictionary file or None (when is not exist)
                pluraldict_mtime,  # m_time of plural dictionary file or 0 if file is not exist
                prules_langcode,  # code of plural rules language or 'default'
                nplurals,        # nplurals for current language
                get_plural_id,   # get_plural_id() for current language
                construct_plural_form)  # construct_plural_form() for current language

    plurals = {}
    flist = oslistdir(langdir) if isdir(langdir) else []

    # scan languages directory for plural dict files:
    for pname in flist:
        if regex_plural_file.match(pname):
            plurals[pname[7:-3]] = (pname,
                                    ostat(pjoin(langdir, pname)).st_mtime)
    langs = {}
    # scan languages directory for langfiles:
    for fname in flist:
        if regex_langfile.match(fname) or fname == '':
            fname_with_path = pjoin(langdir, fname)
            d = read_dict(fname_with_path)
            lang = fname[:-3]
            langcode = d.get('!langcode!', lang if lang != 'default'
                             else DEFAULT_LANGUAGE)
            langname = d.get('!langname!', langcode)
            langfile_mtime = ostat(fname_with_path).st_mtime
            langs[lang] = get_lang_struct(lang, langcode,
                                          langname, langfile_mtime)
    if 'default' not in langs:
        # if is not found,
        # add DEFAULT_LANGUAGE as default language:
        langs['default'] = get_lang_struct('default', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE,
                                           DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_NAME, 0)
    deflang = langs['default']
    deflangcode = deflang[0]
    if deflangcode not in langs:
        # create language from
        langs[deflangcode] = deflang[:2] + (0,) + deflang[3:]

    return langs

def read_possible_languages(langpath):
    return getcfs('langs:' + langpath, langpath,
                  lambda: read_possible_languages_aux(langpath))

def read_plural_dict_aux(filename):
    lang_text = read_locked(filename).replace('\r\n', '\n')
        return eval(lang_text) or {}
    except Exception:
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
        status = 'Syntax error in %s (%s)' % (filename, e)
        return {'__corrupted__': status}

def read_plural_dict(filename):
    return getcfs('plurals:' + filename, filename,
                  lambda: read_plural_dict_aux(filename))

def write_plural_dict(filename, contents):
    if '__corrupted__' in contents:
    fp = None
        fp = LockedFile(filename, 'w')
        fp.write('#!/usr/bin/env python\n# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n{\n# "singular form (0)": ["first plural form (1)", "second plural form (2)", ...],\n')
        for key in sorted(contents, sort_function):
            forms = '[' + ','.join([repr(Utf8(form))
                                    for form in contents[key]]) + ']'
            fp.write('%s: %s,\n' % (repr(Utf8(key)), forms))
    except (IOError, OSError):
        if is_writable():
            logging.warning('Unable to write to file %s' % filename)
        if fp:

def sort_function(x, y):
    return cmp(unicode(x, 'utf-8').lower(), unicode(y, 'utf-8').lower())

def write_dict(filename, contents):
    if '__corrupted__' in contents:
    fp = None
        fp = LockedFile(filename, 'w')
        fp.write('# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n{\n')
        for key in sorted(contents, sort_function):
            fp.write('%s: %s,\n' % (repr(Utf8(key)),
    except (IOError, OSError):
        if is_writable():
            logging.warning('Unable to write to file %s' % filename)
        if fp:

class lazyT(object):
    Never to be called explicitly, returned by
    translator.__call__() or translator.M()
    m = s = T = f = t = None
    M = is_copy = False

    def __init__(
        if isinstance(message, lazyT):
            self.m = message.m
            self.s = message.s
            self.T = message.T
            self.f = message.f
            self.t = message.t
            self.M = message.M
            self.is_copy = True
            self.m = message
            self.s = symbols
            self.T = T
            self.f = filter
            self.t = ftag
            self.M = M
            self.is_copy = False

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<lazyT %s>" % (repr(Utf8(self.m)), )

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.T.apply_filter(self.m, self.s, self.f, self.t) if self.M else
                   self.T.translate(self.m, self.s))

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return str(self) == str(other)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return str(self) != str(other)

    def __add__(self, other):
        return '%s%s' % (self, other)

    def __radd__(self, other):
        return '%s%s' % (other, self)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        return str(self) * other

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        return cmp(str(self), str(other))

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(str(self))

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        return getattr(str(self), name)

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        return str(self)[i]

    def __getslice__(self, i, j):
        return str(self)[i:j]

    def __iter__(self):
        for c in str(self):
            yield c

    def __len__(self):
        return len(str(self))

    def xml(self):
        return str(self) if self.M else escape(str(self))

    def encode(self, *a, **b):
        return str(self).encode(*a, **b)

    def decode(self, *a, **b):
        return str(self).decode(*a, **b)

    def read(self):
        return str(self)

    def __mod__(self, symbols):
        if self.is_copy:
            return lazyT(self)
        return lazyT(self.m, symbols, self.T, self.f, self.t, self.M)

def pickle_lazyT(c):
    return str, (c.xml(),)

copy_reg.pickle(lazyT, pickle_lazyT)

[docs]class translator(object): """ This class is instantiated by gluon.compileapp.build_environment as the T object Example: T.force(None) # turns off translation T.force('fr, it') # forces web2py to translate using or T("Hello World") # translates "Hello World" using the selected file Note: - there is no need to force since, by default, T uses http_accept_language to determine a translation file. - en and en-en are considered different languages! - if language xx-yy is not found force() probes other similar languages using such algorithm: ` -> -> xx-yy*.py -> xx*.py` """ def __init__(self, langpath, http_accept_language): self.langpath = langpath self.http_accept_language = http_accept_language # filled in self.force(): # ------------------------ # self.cache # self.accepted_language # self.language_file # self.plural_language # self.nplurals # self.get_plural_id # self.construct_plural_form # self.plural_file # self.plural_dict # self.requested_languages # ---------------------------------------- # filled in self.set_current_languages(): # ---------------------------------------- # self.default_language_file # self.default_t # self.current_languages self.set_current_languages() self.lazy = True self.otherTs = {} self.filter = markmin self.ftag = 'markmin' self.ns = None self.is_writable = True
[docs] def get_possible_languages_info(self, lang=None): """ Returns info for selected language or dictionary with all possible languages info from `APP/languages/*.py` It Returns: - a tuple containing:: langcode, langname, langfile_mtime, pluraldict_fname, pluraldict_mtime, prules_langcode, nplurals, get_plural_id, construct_plural_form or None - if *lang* is NOT defined a dictionary with all possible languages:: { langcode(from filename): ( langcode, # language code from !langcode! langname, # language name in national spelling from !langname! langfile_mtime, # m_time of language file pluraldict_fname,# name of plural dictionary file or None (when is not exist) pluraldict_mtime,# m_time of plural dictionary file or 0 if file is not exist prules_langcode, # code of plural rules language or 'default' nplurals, # nplurals for current language get_plural_id, # get_plural_id() for current language construct_plural_form) # construct_plural_form() for current language } Args: lang (str): language """ info = read_possible_languages(self.langpath) if lang: info = info.get(lang) return info
[docs] def get_possible_languages(self): """ Gets list of all possible languages for current application """ return list(set(self.current_languages + [lang for lang in read_possible_languages(self.langpath).iterkeys() if lang != 'default']))
[docs] def set_current_languages(self, *languages): """ Sets current AKA "default" languages Setting one of this languages makes the force() function to turn translation off """ if len(languages) == 1 and isinstance(languages[0], (tuple, list)): languages = languages[0] if not languages or languages[0] is None: # set default language from pl_info = self.get_possible_languages_info('default') if pl_info[2] == 0: # langfile_mtime # if languages/ is not found self.default_language_file = self.langpath self.default_t = {} self.current_languages = [DEFAULT_LANGUAGE] else: self.default_language_file = pjoin(self.langpath, '') self.default_t = read_dict(self.default_language_file) self.current_languages = [pl_info[0]] # !langcode! else: self.current_languages = list(languages) self.force(self.http_accept_language)
[docs] def plural(self, word, n): """ Gets plural form of word for number *n* invoked from T()/T.M() in `%%{}` tag Note: "word" MUST be defined in current language (T.accepted_language) Args: word (str): word in singular n (numeric): number plural form created for Returns: word (str): word in appropriate singular/plural form """ if int(n) == 1: return word elif word: id = self.get_plural_id(abs(int(n))) # id = 0 singular form # id = 1 first plural form # id = 2 second plural form # etc. if id != 0: forms = self.plural_dict.get(word, []) if len(forms) >= id: # have this plural form: return forms[id - 1] else: # guessing this plural form forms += [''] * (self.nplurals - len(forms) - 1) form = self.construct_plural_form(word, id) forms[id - 1] = form self.plural_dict[word] = forms if self.is_writable and is_writable() and self.plural_file: write_plural_dict(self.plural_file, self.plural_dict) return form return word
[docs] def force(self, *languages): """ Selects language(s) for translation if a list of languages is passed as a parameter, the first language from this list that matches the ones from the possible_languages dictionary will be selected default language will be selected if none of them matches possible_languages. """ pl_info = read_possible_languages(self.langpath) def set_plural(language): """ initialize plural forms subsystem """ lang_info = pl_info.get(language) if lang_info: (pname, pmtime, self.plural_language, self.nplurals, self.get_plural_id, self.construct_plural_form ) = lang_info[3:] pdict = {} if pname: pname = pjoin(self.langpath, pname) if pmtime != 0: pdict = read_plural_dict(pname) self.plural_file = pname self.plural_dict = pdict else: self.plural_language = 'default' self.nplurals = DEFAULT_NPLURALS self.get_plural_id = DEFAULT_GET_PLURAL_ID self.construct_plural_form = DEFAULT_CONSTRUCT_PLURAL_FORM self.plural_file = None self.plural_dict = {} language = '' if len(languages) == 1 and isinstance(languages[0], str): languages = regex_language.findall(languages[0].lower()) elif not languages or languages[0] is None: languages = [] self.requested_languages = languages = tuple(languages) if languages: all_languages = set(lang for lang in pl_info.iterkeys() if lang != 'default') \ | set(self.current_languages) for lang in languages: # compare "aa-bb" | "aa" from *language* parameter # with strings from langlist using such alghorythm: # -> -> xx*.py lang5 = lang[:5] if lang5 in all_languages: language = lang5 else: lang2 = lang[:2] if len(lang5) > 2 and lang2 in all_languages: language = lang2 else: for l in all_languages: if l[:2] == lang2: language = l if language: if language in self.current_languages: break self.language_file = pjoin(self.langpath, language + '.py') self.t = read_dict(self.language_file) self.cache = global_language_cache.setdefault( self.language_file, ({}, RLock())) set_plural(language) self.accepted_language = language return languages self.accepted_language = language if not language: if self.current_languages: self.accepted_language = self.current_languages[0] else: self.accepted_language = DEFAULT_LANGUAGE self.language_file = self.default_language_file self.cache = global_language_cache.setdefault(self.language_file, ({}, RLock())) self.t = self.default_t set_plural(self.accepted_language) return languages
def __call__(self, message, symbols={}, language=None, lazy=None, ns=None): """ get cached translated plain text message with inserted parameters(symbols) if lazy==True lazyT object is returned """ if lazy is None: lazy = self.lazy if not language and not ns: if lazy: return lazyT(message, symbols, self) else: return self.translate(message, symbols) else: if ns: if ns != self.ns: self.langpath = os.path.join(self.langpath, ns) if self.ns is None: self.ns = ns otherT = self.__get_otherT__(language, ns) return otherT(message, symbols, lazy=lazy) def __get_otherT__(self, language=None, namespace=None): if not language and not namespace: raise Exception('Incorrect parameters') if namespace: if language: index = '%s/%s' % (namespace, language) else: index = namespace else: index = language try: otherT = self.otherTs[index] except KeyError: otherT = self.otherTs[index] = translator(self.langpath, self.http_accept_language) if language: otherT.force(language) return otherT
[docs] def apply_filter(self, message, symbols={}, filter=None, ftag=None): def get_tr(message, prefix, filter): s = self.get_t(message, prefix) return filter(s) if filter else self.filter(s) if filter: prefix = '@' + (ftag or 'userdef') + '\x01' else: prefix = '@' + self.ftag + '\x01' message = get_from_cache( self.cache, prefix + message, lambda: get_tr(message, prefix, filter)) if symbols or symbols == 0 or symbols == "": if isinstance(symbols, dict): symbols.update( (key, xmlescape(value).translate(ttab_in)) for key, value in symbols.iteritems() if not isinstance(value, NUMBERS)) else: if not isinstance(symbols, tuple): symbols = (symbols,) symbols = tuple( value if isinstance(value, NUMBERS) else xmlescape(value).translate(ttab_in) for value in symbols) message = self.params_substitution(message, symbols) return XML(message.translate(ttab_out))
[docs] def M(self, message, symbols={}, language=None, lazy=None, filter=None, ftag=None, ns=None): """ Gets cached translated markmin-message with inserted parametes if lazy==True lazyT object is returned """ if lazy is None: lazy = self.lazy if not language and not ns: if lazy: return lazyT(message, symbols, self, filter, ftag, True) else: return self.apply_filter(message, symbols, filter, ftag) else: if ns: self.langpath = os.path.join(self.langpath, ns) otherT = self.__get_otherT__(language, ns) return otherT.M(message, symbols, lazy=lazy)
[docs] def get_t(self, message, prefix=''): """ Use ## to add a comment into a translation string the comment can be useful do discriminate different possible translations for the same string (for example different locations):: T(' hello world ') -> ' hello world ' T(' hello world ## token') -> ' hello world ' T('hello ## world## token') -> 'hello ## world' the ## notation is ignored in multiline strings and strings that start with ##. This is needed to allow markmin syntax to be translated """ if isinstance(message, unicode): message = message.encode('utf8') if isinstance(prefix, unicode): prefix = prefix.encode('utf8') key = prefix + message mt = self.t.get(key, None) if mt is not None: return mt # we did not find a translation if message.find('##') > 0 and not '\n' in message: # remove comments message = message.rsplit('##', 1)[0] # guess translation same as original self.t[key] = mt = self.default_t.get(key, message) # update language file for latter translation if self.is_writable and is_writable() and \ self.language_file != self.default_language_file: write_dict(self.language_file, self.t) return regex_backslash.sub( lambda m:, mt)
[docs] def params_substitution(self, message, symbols): """ Substitutes parameters from symbols into message using %. also parse `%%{}` placeholders for plural-forms processing. Returns: string with parameters Note: *symbols* MUST BE OR tuple OR dict of parameters! """ def sub_plural(m): """String in `%{}` is transformed by this rules: If string starts with `\\`, `!` or `?` such transformations take place:: "!string of words" -> "String of word" (Capitalize) "!!string of words" -> "String Of Word" (Title) "!!!string of words" -> "STRING OF WORD" (Upper) "\\!string of words" -> "!string of word" (remove \\ and disable transformations) "?word?number" -> "word" (return word, if number == 1) "?number" or "??number" -> "" (remove number, if number == 1) "?word?number" -> "number" (if number != 1) """ def sub_tuple(m): """ word[number], !word[number], !!word[number], !!!word[number] word, !word, !!word, !!!word, ?word?number, ??number, ?number ?word?word[number], ?word?[number], ??word[number] """ w, i ='w', 'i') c = w[0] if c not in '!?': return self.plural(w, symbols[int(i or 0)]) elif c == '?': (p1, sep, p2) = w[1:].partition("?") part1 = p1 if sep else "" (part2, sep, part3) = (p2 if sep else p1).partition("?") if not sep: part3 = part2 if i is None: # ?[word]?number[?number] or ?number if not part2: return num = int(part2) else: # ?[word]?word2[?word3][number] num = int(symbols[int(i or 0)]) return part1 if num == 1 else part3 if num == 0 else part2 elif w.startswith('!!!'): word = w[3:] fun = upper_fun elif w.startswith('!!'): word = w[2:] fun = title_fun else: word = w[1:] fun = cap_fun if i is not None: return fun(self.plural(word, symbols[int(i)])) return fun(word) def sub_dict(m): """ word(var), !word(var), !!word(var), !!!word(var) word(num), !word(num), !!word(num), !!!word(num) ?word2(var), ?word1?word2(var), ?word1?word2?word0(var) ?word2(num), ?word1?word2(num), ?word1?word2?word0(num) """ w, n ='w', 'n') c = w[0] n = int(n) if n.isdigit() else symbols[n] if c not in '!?': return self.plural(w, n) elif c == '?': # ?[word1]?word2[?word0](var or num), ?[word1]?word2(var or num) or ?word2(var or num) (p1, sep, p2) = w[1:].partition("?") part1 = p1 if sep else "" (part2, sep, part3) = (p2 if sep else p1).partition("?") if not sep: part3 = part2 num = int(n) return part1 if num == 1 else part3 if num == 0 else part2 elif w.startswith('!!!'): word = w[3:] fun = upper_fun elif w.startswith('!!'): word = w[2:] fun = title_fun else: word = w[1:] fun = cap_fun return fun(self.plural(word, n)) s = part = regex_plural_tuple.sub(sub_tuple, s) if part == s: part = regex_plural_dict.sub(sub_dict, s) if part == s: return return part message = message % symbols message = regex_plural.sub(sub_plural, message) return message
[docs] def translate(self, message, symbols): """ Gets cached translated message with inserted parameters(symbols) """ message = get_from_cache(self.cache, message, lambda: self.get_t(message)) if symbols or symbols == 0 or symbols == "": if isinstance(symbols, dict): symbols.update( (key, str(value).translate(ttab_in)) for key, value in symbols.iteritems() if not isinstance(value, NUMBERS)) else: if not isinstance(symbols, tuple): symbols = (symbols,) symbols = tuple( value if isinstance(value, NUMBERS) else str(value).translate(ttab_in) for value in symbols) message = self.params_substitution(message, symbols) return message.translate(ttab_out)
[docs]def findT(path, language=DEFAULT_LANGUAGE): """ Note: Must be run by the admin app """ lang_file = pjoin(path, 'languages', language + '.py') sentences = read_dict(lang_file) mp = pjoin(path, 'models') cp = pjoin(path, 'controllers') vp = pjoin(path, 'views') mop = pjoin(path, 'modules') for filename in \ listdir(mp, '^.+\.py$', 0) + listdir(cp, '^.+\.py$', 0)\ + listdir(vp, '^.+\.html$', 0) + listdir(mop, '^.+\.py$', 0): data = read_locked(filename) items = regex_translate.findall(data) items += regex_translate_m.findall(data) for item in items: try: message = safe_eval(item) except: continue # silently ignore inproperly formatted strings if not message.startswith('#') and not '\n' in message: tokens = message.rsplit('##', 1) else: # this allows markmin syntax in translations tokens = [message] if len(tokens) == 2: message = tokens[0].strip() + '##' + tokens[1].strip() if message and not message in sentences: sentences[message] = message if not '!langcode!' in sentences: sentences['!langcode!'] = ( DEFAULT_LANGUAGE if language in ('default', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) else language) if not '!langname!' in sentences: sentences['!langname!'] = ( DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_NAME if language in ('default', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) else sentences['!langcode!']) write_dict(lang_file, sentences)
[docs]def update_all_languages(application_path): """ Note: Must be run by the admin app """ path = pjoin(application_path, 'languages/') for language in oslistdir(path): if regex_langfile.match(language): findT(application_path, language[:-3])
def update_from_langfile(target, source, force_update=False): """this will update untranslated messages in target from source (where both are language files) this can be used as first step when creating language file for new but very similar language or if you want update your app from welcome app of newer web2py version or in non-standard scenarios when you work on target and from any reason you have partial translation in source Args: force_update: if False existing translations remain unchanged, if True existing translations will update from source """ src = read_dict(source) sentences = read_dict(target) for key in sentences: val = sentences[key] if not val or val == key or force_update: new_val = src.get(key) if new_val and new_val != val: sentences[key] = new_val write_dict(target, sentences) if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()