Source code for gluon.languages

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

| This file is part of the web2py Web Framework
| Copyrighted by Massimo Di Pierro <>
| License: LGPLv3 (
| Plural subsystem is created by Vladyslav Kozlovskyy (Ukraine) <>

Translation system

import os
import re
import sys
import pkgutil
import logging
from cgi import escape
from threading import RLock

    import copyreg as copy_reg # python 3
except ImportError:
    import copy_reg # python 2

from gluon.portalocker import read_locked, LockedFile
from utf8 import Utf8

from gluon.fileutils import listdir
from gluon.cfs import getcfs
from gluon.html import XML, xmlescape
from gluon.contrib.markmin.markmin2html import render, markmin_escape
from string import maketrans

__all__ = ['translator', 'findT', 'update_all_languages']

ostat = os.stat
oslistdir = os.listdir
pjoin = os.path.join
pexists = os.path.exists
pdirname = os.path.dirname
isdir = os.path.isdir


# language doesn't use plural forms
# only one singular/plural form is used
# word is unchangeable
DEFAULT_CONSTRUCT_PLURAL_FORM = lambda word, plural_id: word

NUMBERS = (int, long, float)

# pattern to find T(blah blah blah) expressions
PY_STRING_LITERAL_RE = r'(?<=[^\w]T\()(?P<name>'\
    + r"[uU]?[rR]?(?:'''(?:[^']|'{1,2}(?!'))*''')|"\
    + r"(?:'(?:[^'\\]|\\.)*')|" + r'(?:"""(?:[^"]|"{1,2}(?!"))*""")|'\
    + r'(?:"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"))'

regex_translate = re.compile(PY_STRING_LITERAL_RE, re.DOTALL)
regex_param = re.compile(r'{(?P<s>.+?)}')

# pattern for a valid accept_language
regex_language = \
regex_langfile = re.compile('^[a-z]{2,3}(-[a-z]{2})?\.py$')
regex_backslash = re.compile(r"\\([\\{}%])")
regex_plural = re.compile('%({.+?})')
regex_plural_dict = re.compile('^{(?P<w>[^()[\]][^()[\]]*?)\((?P<n>[^()\[\]]+)\)}$')  # %%{word(varname or number)}
regex_plural_tuple = re.compile(
    '^{(?P<w>[^[\]()]+)(?:\[(?P<i>\d+)\])?}$')  # %%{word[index]} or %%{word}
regex_plural_file = re.compile('^plural-[a-zA-Z]{2}(-[a-zA-Z]{2})?\.py$')

def is_writable():
    """ returns True if and only if the filesystem is writable """
    from gluon.settings import global_settings
    return not global_settings.web2py_runtime_gae

def safe_eval(text):
    if text.strip():
            import ast
            return ast.literal_eval(text)
        except ImportError:
            return eval(text, {}, {})
    return None

# used as default filter in translator.M()

def markmin(s):
    def markmin_aux(m):
        return '{%s}' % markmin_escape('s'))
    return render(regex_param.sub(markmin_aux, s),
                  sep='br', autolinks=None, id_prefix='')

# UTF8 helper functions

def upper_fun(s):
    return unicode(s, 'utf-8').upper().encode('utf-8')

def title_fun(s):
    return unicode(s, 'utf-8').title().encode('utf-8')

def cap_fun(s):
    return unicode(s, 'utf-8').capitalize().encode('utf-8')
ttab_in = maketrans("\\%{}", '\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f')
ttab_out = maketrans('\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f', "\\%{}")

# cache of translated messages:
# global_language_cache:
# { 'languages/':
#     ( {"def-message": "xx-message",
#        ...
#        "def-message": "xx-message"}, lock_object )
#  'languages/': ( {dict}, lock_object )
#  ...
# }

global_language_cache = {}

def get_from_cache(cache, val, fun):
    lang_dict, lock = cache
        result = lang_dict.get(val)
    if result:
        return result
        result = lang_dict.setdefault(val, fun())
    return result

def clear_cache(filename):
    cache = global_language_cache.setdefault(
        filename, ({}, RLock()))
    lang_dict, lock = cache

def read_dict_aux(filename):
    lang_text = read_locked(filename).replace('\r\n', '\n')
        return safe_eval(lang_text) or {}
    except Exception:
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
        status = 'Syntax error in %s (%s)' % (filename, e)
        return {'__corrupted__': status}

def read_dict(filename):
    """ Returns dictionary with translation messages
    return getcfs('lang:' + filename, filename,
                  lambda: read_dict_aux(filename))

def read_possible_plural_rules():
    Creates list of all possible plural rules files
    The result is cached in PLURAL_RULES dictionary to increase speed
    plurals = {}
        import gluon.contrib.plural_rules as package
        for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(package.__path__):
            if len(modname) == 2:
                module = __import__(package.__name__ + '.' + modname,
                lang = modname
                pname = modname + '.py'
                nplurals = getattr(module, 'nplurals', DEFAULT_NPLURALS)
                get_plural_id = getattr(
                    module, 'get_plural_id',
                construct_plural_form = getattr(
                    module, 'construct_plural_form',
                plurals[lang] = (lang, nplurals, get_plural_id,
    except ImportError:
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
        logging.warn('Unable to import plural rules: %s' % e)
    return plurals

PLURAL_RULES = read_possible_plural_rules()

def read_possible_languages_aux(langdir):
    def get_lang_struct(lang, langcode, langname, langfile_mtime):
        if lang == 'default':
            real_lang = langcode.lower()
            real_lang = lang
         ) = PLURAL_RULES.get(real_lang[:2], ('default',
        if prules_langcode != 'default':
             pluraldict_mtime) = plurals.get(real_lang,
                                                         ('' % real_lang, 0)))
            pluraldict_fname = None
            pluraldict_mtime = 0
        return (langcode,        # language code from !langcode!
                # language name in national spelling from !langname!
                langfile_mtime,  # m_time of language file
                pluraldict_fname,  # name of plural dictionary file or None (when is not exist)
                pluraldict_mtime,  # m_time of plural dictionary file or 0 if file is not exist
                prules_langcode,  # code of plural rules language or 'default'
                nplurals,        # nplurals for current language
                get_plural_id,   # get_plural_id() for current language
                construct_plural_form)  # construct_plural_form() for current language

    plurals = {}
    flist = oslistdir(langdir) if isdir(langdir) else []

    # scan languages directory for plural dict files:
    for pname in flist:
        if regex_plural_file.match(pname):
            plurals[pname[7:-3]] = (pname,
                                    ostat(pjoin(langdir, pname)).st_mtime)
    langs = {}
    # scan languages directory for langfiles:
    for fname in flist:
        if regex_langfile.match(fname) or fname == '':
            fname_with_path = pjoin(langdir, fname)
            d = read_dict(fname_with_path)
            lang = fname[:-3]
            langcode = d.get('!langcode!', lang if lang != 'default'
                             else DEFAULT_LANGUAGE)
            langname = d.get('!langname!', langcode)
            langfile_mtime = ostat(fname_with_path).st_mtime
            langs[lang] = get_lang_struct(lang, langcode,
                                          langname, langfile_mtime)
    if 'default' not in langs:
        # if is not found,
        # add DEFAULT_LANGUAGE as default language:
        langs['default'] = get_lang_struct('default', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE,
                                           DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_NAME, 0)
    deflang = langs['default']
    deflangcode = deflang[0]
    if deflangcode not in langs:
        # create language from
        langs[deflangcode] = deflang[:2] + (0,) + deflang[3:]

    return langs

def read_possible_languages(langpath):
    return getcfs('langs:' + langpath, langpath,
                  lambda: read_possible_languages_aux(langpath))

def read_plural_dict_aux(filename):
    lang_text = read_locked(filename).replace('\r\n', '\n')
        return eval(lang_text) or {}
    except Exception:
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
        status = 'Syntax error in %s (%s)' % (filename, e)
        return {'__corrupted__': status}

def read_plural_dict(filename):
    return getcfs('plurals:' + filename, filename,
                  lambda: read_plural_dict_aux(filename))

def write_plural_dict(filename, contents):
    if '__corrupted__' in contents:
    fp = None
        fp = LockedFile(filename, 'w')
        fp.write('#!/usr/bin/env python\n# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n{\n# "singular form (0)": ["first plural form (1)", "second plural form (2)", ...],\n')
        for key in sorted(contents, sort_function):
            forms = '[' + ','.join([repr(Utf8(form))
                                    for form in contents[key]]) + ']'
            fp.write('%s: %s,\n' % (repr(Utf8(key)), forms))
    except (IOError, OSError):
        if is_writable():
            logging.warning('Unable to write to file %s' % filename)
        if fp:

def sort_function(x, y):
    return cmp(unicode(x, 'utf-8').lower(), unicode(y, 'utf-8').lower())

def write_dict(filename, contents):
    if '__corrupted__' in contents:
    fp = None
        fp = LockedFile(filename, 'w')
        fp.write('# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n{\n')
        for key in sorted(contents, sort_function):
            fp.write('%s: %s,\n' % (repr(Utf8(key)),
    except (IOError, OSError):
        if is_writable():
            logging.warning('Unable to write to file %s' % filename)
        if fp:

class lazyT(object):
    Never to be called explicitly, returned by
    translator.__call__() or translator.M()
    m = s = T = f = t = None
    M = is_copy = False

    def __init__(
        if isinstance(message, lazyT):
            self.m = message.m
            self.s = message.s
            self.T = message.T
            self.f = message.f
            self.t = message.t
            self.M = message.M
            self.is_copy = True
            self.m = message
            self.s = symbols
            self.T = T
            self.f = filter
            self.t = ftag
            self.M = M
            self.is_copy = False

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<lazyT %s>" % (repr(Utf8(self.m)), )

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.T.apply_filter(self.m, self.s, self.f, self.t) if self.M else
                   self.T.translate(self.m, self.s))

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return str(self) == str(other)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return str(self) != str(other)

    def __add__(self, other):
        return '%s%s' % (self, other)

    def __radd__(self, other):
        return '%s%s' % (other, self)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        return str(self) * other

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        return cmp(str(self), str(other))

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(str(self))

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        return getattr(str(self), name)

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        return str(self)[i]

    def __getslice__(self, i, j):
        return str(self)[i:j]

    def __iter__(self):
        for c in str(self):
            yield c

    def __len__(self):
        return len(str(self))

    def xml(self):
        return str(self) if self.M else escape(str(self))

    def encode(self, *a, **b):
        return str(self).encode(*a, **b)

    def decode(self, *a, **b):
        return str(self).decode(*a, **b)

    def read(self):
        return str(self)

    def __mod__(self, symbols):
        if self.is_copy:
            return lazyT(self)
        return lazyT(self.m, symbols, self.T, self.f, self.t, self.M)

def pickle_lazyT(c):
    return str, (c.xml(),)

copy_reg.pickle(lazyT, pickle_lazyT)

[docs]class translator(object): """ This class is instantiated by gluon.compileapp.build_environment as the T object Example: T.force(None) # turns off translation T.force('fr, it') # forces web2py to translate using or T("Hello World") # translates "Hello World" using the selected file Note: - there is no need to force since, by default, T uses http_accept_language to determine a translation file. - en and en-en are considered different languages! - if language xx-yy is not found force() probes other similar languages using such algorithm: ` -> -> xx-yy*.py -> xx*.py` """ def __init__(self, langpath, http_accept_language): self.langpath = langpath self.http_accept_language = http_accept_language # filled in self.force(): # ------------------------ # self.cache # self.accepted_language # self.language_file # self.plural_language # self.nplurals # self.get_plural_id # self.construct_plural_form # self.plural_file # self.plural_dict # self.requested_languages # ---------------------------------------- # filled in self.set_current_languages(): # ---------------------------------------- # self.default_language_file # self.default_t # self.current_languages self.set_current_languages() self.lazy = True self.otherTs = {} self.filter = markmin self.ftag = 'markmin' self.ns = None self.is_writable = True
[docs] def get_possible_languages_info(self, lang=None): """ Returns info for selected language or dictionary with all possible languages info from `APP/languages/*.py` It Returns: - a tuple containing:: langcode, langname, langfile_mtime, pluraldict_fname, pluraldict_mtime, prules_langcode, nplurals, get_plural_id, construct_plural_form or None - if *lang* is NOT defined a dictionary with all possible languages:: { langcode(from filename): ( langcode, # language code from !langcode! langname, # language name in national spelling from !langname! langfile_mtime, # m_time of language file pluraldict_fname,# name of plural dictionary file or None (when is not exist) pluraldict_mtime,# m_time of plural dictionary file or 0 if file is not exist prules_langcode, # code of plural rules language or 'default' nplurals, # nplurals for current language get_plural_id, # get_plural_id() for current language construct_plural_form) # construct_plural_form() for current language } Args: lang (str): language """ info = read_possible_languages(self.langpath) if lang: info = info.get(lang) return info
[docs] def get_possible_languages(self): """ Gets list of all possible languages for current application """ return list(set(self.current_languages + [lang for lang in read_possible_languages(self.langpath).iterkeys() if lang != 'default']))
[docs] def set_current_languages(self, *languages): """ Sets current AKA "default" languages Setting one of this languages makes the force() function to turn translation off """ if len(languages) == 1 and isinstance(languages[0], (tuple, list)): languages = languages[0] if not languages or languages[0] is None: # set default language from pl_info = self.get_possible_languages_info('default') if pl_info[2] == 0: # langfile_mtime # if languages/ is not found self.default_language_file = self.langpath self.default_t = {} self.current_languages = [DEFAULT_LANGUAGE] else: self.default_language_file = pjoin(self.langpath, '') self.default_t = read_dict(self.default_language_file) self.current_languages = [pl_info[0]] # !langcode! else: self.current_languages = list(languages) self.force(self.http_accept_language)
[docs] def plural(self, word, n): """ Gets plural form of word for number *n* invoked from T()/T.M() in `%%{}` tag Note: "word" MUST be defined in current language (T.accepted_language) Args: word (str): word in singular n (numeric): number plural form created for Returns: word (str): word in appropriate singular/plural form """ if int(n) == 1: return word elif word: id = self.get_plural_id(abs(int(n))) # id = 0 singular form # id = 1 first plural form # id = 2 second plural form # etc. if id != 0: forms = self.plural_dict.get(word, []) if len(forms) >= id: # have this plural form: return forms[id - 1] else: # guessing this plural form forms += [''] * (self.nplurals - len(forms) - 1) form = self.construct_plural_form(word, id) forms[id - 1] = form self.plural_dict[word] = forms if self.is_writable and is_writable() and self.plural_file: write_plural_dict(self.plural_file, self.plural_dict) return form return word
[docs] def force(self, *languages): """ Selects language(s) for translation if a list of languages is passed as a parameter, the first language from this list that matches the ones from the possible_languages dictionary will be selected default language will be selected if none of them matches possible_languages. """ pl_info = read_possible_languages(self.langpath) def set_plural(language): """ initialize plural forms subsystem """ lang_info = pl_info.get(language) if lang_info: (pname, pmtime, self.plural_language, self.nplurals, self.get_plural_id, self.construct_plural_form ) = lang_info[3:] pdict = {} if pname: pname = pjoin(self.langpath, pname) if pmtime != 0: pdict = read_plural_dict(pname) self.plural_file = pname self.plural_dict = pdict else: self.plural_language = 'default' self.nplurals = DEFAULT_NPLURALS self.get_plural_id = DEFAULT_GET_PLURAL_ID self.construct_plural_form = DEFAULT_CONSTRUCT_PLURAL_FORM self.plural_file = None self.plural_dict = {} language = '' if len(languages) == 1 and isinstance(languages[0], str): languages = regex_language.findall(languages[0].lower()) elif not languages or languages[0] is None: languages = [] self.requested_languages = languages = tuple(languages) if languages: all_languages = set(lang for lang in pl_info.iterkeys() if lang != 'default') \ | set(self.current_languages) for lang in languages: # compare "aa-bb" | "aa" from *language* parameter # with strings from langlist using such alghorythm: # -> -> xx*.py lang5 = lang[:5] if lang5 in all_languages: language = lang5 else: lang2 = lang[:2] if len(lang5) > 2 and lang2 in all_languages: language = lang2 else: for l in all_languages: if l[:2] == lang2: language = l if language: if language in self.current_languages: break self.language_file = pjoin(self.langpath, language + '.py') self.t = read_dict(self.language_file) self.cache = global_language_cache.setdefault( self.language_file, ({}, RLock())) set_plural(language) self.accepted_language = language return languages self.accepted_language = language if not language: if self.current_languages: self.accepted_language = self.current_languages[0] else: self.accepted_language = DEFAULT_LANGUAGE self.language_file = self.default_language_file self.cache = global_language_cache.setdefault(self.language_file, ({}, RLock())) self.t = self.default_t set_plural(self.accepted_language) return languages
def __call__(self, message, symbols={}, language=None, lazy=None, ns=None): """ get cached translated plain text message with inserted parameters(symbols) if lazy==True lazyT object is returned """ if lazy is None: lazy = self.lazy if not language and not ns: if lazy: return lazyT(message, symbols, self) else: return self.translate(message, symbols) else: if ns: if ns != self.ns: self.langpath = os.path.join(self.langpath, ns) if self.ns is None: self.ns = ns otherT = self.__get_otherT__(language, ns) return otherT(message, symbols, lazy=lazy) def __get_otherT__(self, language=None, namespace=None): if not language and not namespace: raise Exception('Incorrect parameters') if namespace: if language: index = '%s/%s' % (namespace, language) else: index = namespace else: index = language try: otherT = self.otherTs[index] except KeyError: otherT = self.otherTs[index] = translator(self.langpath, self.http_accept_language) if language: otherT.force(language) return otherT
[docs] def apply_filter(self, message, symbols={}, filter=None, ftag=None): def get_tr(message, prefix, filter): s = self.get_t(message, prefix) return filter(s) if filter else self.filter(s) if filter: prefix = '@' + (ftag or 'userdef') + '\x01' else: prefix = '@' + self.ftag + '\x01' message = get_from_cache( self.cache, prefix + message, lambda: get_tr(message, prefix, filter)) if symbols or symbols == 0 or symbols == "": if isinstance(symbols, dict): symbols.update( (key, xmlescape(value).translate(ttab_in)) for key, value in symbols.iteritems() if not isinstance(value, NUMBERS)) else: if not isinstance(symbols, tuple): symbols = (symbols,) symbols = tuple( value if isinstance(value, NUMBERS) else xmlescape(value).translate(ttab_in) for value in symbols) message = self.params_substitution(message, symbols) return XML(message.translate(ttab_out))
[docs] def M(self, message, symbols={}, language=None, lazy=None, filter=None, ftag=None, ns=None): """ Gets cached translated markmin-message with inserted parametes if lazy==True lazyT object is returned """ if lazy is None: lazy = self.lazy if not language and not ns: if lazy: return lazyT(message, symbols, self, filter, ftag, True) else: return self.apply_filter(message, symbols, filter, ftag) else: if ns: self.langpath = os.path.join(self.langpath, ns) otherT = self.__get_otherT__(language, ns) return otherT.M(message, symbols, lazy=lazy)
[docs] def get_t(self, message, prefix=''): """ Use ## to add a comment into a translation string the comment can be useful do discriminate different possible translations for the same string (for example different locations):: T(' hello world ') -> ' hello world ' T(' hello world ## token') -> ' hello world ' T('hello ## world## token') -> 'hello ## world' the ## notation is ignored in multiline strings and strings that start with ##. This is needed to allow markmin syntax to be translated """ if isinstance(message, unicode): message = message.encode('utf8') if isinstance(prefix, unicode): prefix = prefix.encode('utf8') key = prefix + message mt = self.t.get(key, None) if mt is not None: return mt # we did not find a translation if message.find('##') > 0 and not '\n' in message: # remove comments message = message.rsplit('##', 1)[0] # guess translation same as original self.t[key] = mt = self.default_t.get(key, message) # update language file for latter translation if self.is_writable and is_writable() and \ self.language_file != self.default_language_file: write_dict(self.language_file, self.t) return regex_backslash.sub( lambda m:, mt)
[docs] def params_substitution(self, message, symbols): """ Substitutes parameters from symbols into message using %. also parse `%%{}` placeholders for plural-forms processing. Returns: string with parameters Note: *symbols* MUST BE OR tuple OR dict of parameters! """ def sub_plural(m): """String in `%{}` is transformed by this rules: If string starts with `\\`, `!` or `?` such transformations take place:: "!string of words" -> "String of word" (Capitalize) "!!string of words" -> "String Of Word" (Title) "!!!string of words" -> "STRING OF WORD" (Upper) "\\!string of words" -> "!string of word" (remove \\ and disable transformations) "?word?number" -> "word" (return word, if number == 1) "?number" or "??number" -> "" (remove number, if number == 1) "?word?number" -> "number" (if number != 1) """ def sub_tuple(m): """ word[number], !word[number], !!word[number], !!!word[number] word, !word, !!word, !!!word, ?word?number, ??number, ?number ?word?word[number], ?word?[number], ??word[number] """ w, i ='w', 'i') c = w[0] if c not in '!?': return self.plural(w, symbols[int(i or 0)]) elif c == '?': (p1, sep, p2) = w[1:].partition("?") part1 = p1 if sep else "" (part2, sep, part3) = (p2 if sep else p1).partition("?") if not sep: part3 = part2 if i is None: # ?[word]?number[?number] or ?number if not part2: return num = int(part2) else: # ?[word]?word2[?word3][number] num = int(symbols[int(i or 0)]) return part1 if num == 1 else part3 if num == 0 else part2 elif w.startswith('!!!'): word = w[3:] fun = upper_fun elif w.startswith('!!'): word = w[2:] fun = title_fun else: word = w[1:] fun = cap_fun if i is not None: return fun(self.plural(word, symbols[int(i)])) return fun(word) def sub_dict(m): """ word(var), !word(var), !!word(var), !!!word(var) word(num), !word(num), !!word(num), !!!word(num) ?word2(var), ?word1?word2(var), ?word1?word2?word0(var) ?word2(num), ?word1?word2(num), ?word1?word2?word0(num) """ w, n ='w', 'n') c = w[0] n = int(n) if n.isdigit() else symbols[n] if c not in '!?': return self.plural(w, n) elif c == '?': # ?[word1]?word2[?word0](var or num), ?[word1]?word2(var or num) or ?word2(var or num) (p1, sep, p2) = w[1:].partition("?") part1 = p1 if sep else "" (part2, sep, part3) = (p2 if sep else p1).partition("?") if not sep: part3 = part2 num = int(n) return part1 if num == 1 else part3 if num == 0 else part2 elif w.startswith('!!!'): word = w[3:] fun = upper_fun elif w.startswith('!!'): word = w[2:] fun = title_fun else: word = w[1:] fun = cap_fun return fun(self.plural(word, n)) s = part = regex_plural_tuple.sub(sub_tuple, s) if part == s: part = regex_plural_dict.sub(sub_dict, s) if part == s: return return part message = message % symbols message = regex_plural.sub(sub_plural, message) return message
[docs] def translate(self, message, symbols): """ Gets cached translated message with inserted parameters(symbols) """ message = get_from_cache(self.cache, message, lambda: self.get_t(message)) if symbols or symbols == 0 or symbols == "": if isinstance(symbols, dict): symbols.update( (key, str(value).translate(ttab_in)) for key, value in symbols.iteritems() if not isinstance(value, NUMBERS)) else: if not isinstance(symbols, tuple): symbols = (symbols,) symbols = tuple( value if isinstance(value, NUMBERS) else str(value).translate(ttab_in) for value in symbols) message = self.params_substitution(message, symbols) return message.translate(ttab_out)
[docs]def findT(path, language=DEFAULT_LANGUAGE): """ Note: Must be run by the admin app """ lang_file = pjoin(path, 'languages', language + '.py') sentences = read_dict(lang_file) mp = pjoin(path, 'models') cp = pjoin(path, 'controllers') vp = pjoin(path, 'views') mop = pjoin(path, 'modules') for filename in \ listdir(mp, '^.+\.py$', 0) + listdir(cp, '^.+\.py$', 0)\ + listdir(vp, '^.+\.html$', 0) + listdir(mop, '^.+\.py$', 0): data = read_locked(filename) items = regex_translate.findall(data) for item in items: try: message = safe_eval(item) except: continue # silently ignore inproperly formatted strings if not message.startswith('#') and not '\n' in message: tokens = message.rsplit('##', 1) else: # this allows markmin syntax in translations tokens = [message] if len(tokens) == 2: message = tokens[0].strip() + '##' + tokens[1].strip() if message and not message in sentences: sentences[message] = message if not '!langcode!' in sentences: sentences['!langcode!'] = ( DEFAULT_LANGUAGE if language in ('default', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) else language) if not '!langname!' in sentences: sentences['!langname!'] = ( DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_NAME if language in ('default', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) else sentences['!langcode!']) write_dict(lang_file, sentences)
[docs]def update_all_languages(application_path): """ Note: Must be run by the admin app """ path = pjoin(application_path, 'languages/') for language in oslistdir(path): if regex_langfile.match(language): findT(application_path, language[:-3])
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()