Source code for gluon.newcron

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

| This file is part of the web2py Web Framework
| Created by Attila Csipa <>
| Modified by Massimo Di Pierro <>
| License: LGPLv3 (

Cron-style interface

import sys
import os
import threading
import logging
import time
import sched
import re
import datetime
import platform
import portalocker
import fileutils
    import cPickle as pickle
    import pickle
from gluon.settings import global_settings

logger = logging.getLogger("web2py.cron")
_cron_stopping = False
_cron_subprocs = []

[docs]def stopcron(): """Graceful shutdown of cron""" global _cron_stopping _cron_stopping = True while _cron_subprocs: proc = _cron_subprocs.pop() if proc.poll() is None: try: proc.terminate() except: import traceback traceback.print_exc()
[docs]class extcron(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, applications_parent, apps=None): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(False) self.path = applications_parent self.apps = apps # crondance(self.path, 'external', startup=True, apps=self.apps)
[docs] def run(self): if not _cron_stopping: logger.debug('external cron invocation') crondance(self.path, 'external', startup=False, apps=self.apps)
[docs]class hardcron(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, applications_parent): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(True) self.path = applications_parent crondance(self.path, 'hard', startup=True)
[docs] def launch(self): if not _cron_stopping: logger.debug('hard cron invocation') crondance(self.path, 'hard', startup=False)
[docs] def run(self): s = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep)'Hard cron daemon started') while not _cron_stopping: now = time.time() s.enter(60 - now % 60, 1, self.launch, ())
[docs]class softcron(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, applications_parent): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.path = applications_parent # crondance(self.path, 'soft', startup=True)
[docs] def run(self): if not _cron_stopping: logger.debug('soft cron invocation') crondance(self.path, 'soft', startup=False)
[docs]class Token(object): def __init__(self, path): self.path = os.path.join(path, 'cron.master') if not os.path.exists(self.path): fileutils.write_file(self.path, '', 'wb') self.master = None = time.time()
[docs] def acquire(self, startup=False): """ Returns the time when the lock is acquired or None if cron already running lock is implemented by writing a pickle (start, stop) in cron.master start is time when cron job starts and stop is time when cron completed stop == 0 if job started but did not yet complete if a cron job started within less than 60 seconds, acquire returns None if a cron job started before 60 seconds and did not stop, a warning is issue "Stale cron.master detected" """ if sys.platform == 'win32': locktime = 59.5 else: locktime = 59.99 if portalocker.LOCK_EX is None: logger.warning('WEB2PY CRON: Disabled because no file locking') return None self.master = open(self.path, 'rb+') try: ret = None portalocker.lock(self.master, portalocker.LOCK_EX) try: (start, stop) = pickle.load(self.master) except: (start, stop) = (0, 1) if startup or - start > locktime: ret = if not stop: # this happens if previous cron job longer than 1 minute logger.warning('WEB2PY CRON: Stale cron.master detected') logger.debug('WEB2PY CRON: Acquiring lock') pickle.dump((, 0), self.master) self.master.flush() finally: portalocker.unlock(self.master) if not ret: # do this so no need to release self.master.close() return ret
[docs] def release(self): """ Writes into cron.master the time when cron job was completed """ if not self.master.closed: portalocker.lock(self.master, portalocker.LOCK_EX) logger.debug('WEB2PY CRON: Releasing cron lock') (start, stop) = pickle.load(self.master) if start == # if this is my lock pickle.dump((, time.time()), self.master) portalocker.unlock(self.master) self.master.close()
[docs]def rangetolist(s, period='min'): retval = [] if s.startswith('*'): if period == 'min': s = s.replace('*', '0-59', 1) elif period == 'hr': s = s.replace('*', '0-23', 1) elif period == 'dom': s = s.replace('*', '1-31', 1) elif period == 'mon': s = s.replace('*', '1-12', 1) elif period == 'dow': s = s.replace('*', '0-6', 1) m = re.compile(r'(\d+)-(\d+)/(\d+)') match = m.match(s) if match: for i in range(int(, int( + 1): if i % int( == 0: retval.append(i) return retval
[docs]def parsecronline(line): task = {} if line.startswith('@reboot'): line = line.replace('@reboot', '-1 * * * *') elif line.startswith('@yearly'): line = line.replace('@yearly', '0 0 1 1 *') elif line.startswith('@annually'): line = line.replace('@annually', '0 0 1 1 *') elif line.startswith('@monthly'): line = line.replace('@monthly', '0 0 1 * *') elif line.startswith('@weekly'): line = line.replace('@weekly', '0 0 * * 0') elif line.startswith('@daily'): line = line.replace('@daily', '0 0 * * *') elif line.startswith('@midnight'): line = line.replace('@midnight', '0 0 * * *') elif line.startswith('@hourly'): line = line.replace('@hourly', '0 * * * *') params = line.strip().split(None, 6) if len(params) < 7: return None daysofweek = {'sun': 0, 'mon': 1, 'tue': 2, 'wed': 3, 'thu': 4, 'fri': 5, 'sat': 6} for (s, id) in zip(params[:5], ['min', 'hr', 'dom', 'mon', 'dow']): if not s in [None, '*']: task[id] = [] vals = s.split(',') for val in vals: if val != '-1' and '-' in val and '/' not in val: val = '%s/1' % val if '/' in val: task[id] += rangetolist(val, id) elif val.isdigit() or val == '-1': task[id].append(int(val)) elif id == 'dow' and val[:3].lower() in daysofweek: task[id].append(daysofweek(val[:3].lower())) task['user'] = params[5] task['cmd'] = params[6] return task
[docs]class cronlauncher(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, cmd, shell=True): threading.Thread.__init__(self) if platform.system() == 'Windows': shell = False self.cmd = cmd = shell
[docs] def run(self): import subprocess global _cron_subprocs if isinstance(self.cmd, (list, tuple)): cmd = self.cmd else: cmd = self.cmd.split() proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, _cron_subprocs.append(proc) (stdoutdata, stderrdata) = proc.communicate() try: _cron_subprocs.remove(proc) except ValueError: pass if proc.returncode != 0: logger.warning( 'WEB2PY CRON Call returned code %s:\n%s' % (proc.returncode, stdoutdata + stderrdata)) else: logger.debug('WEB2PY CRON Call returned success:\n%s' % stdoutdata)
[docs]def crondance(applications_parent, ctype='soft', startup=False, apps=None): apppath = os.path.join(applications_parent, 'applications') cron_path = os.path.join(applications_parent) token = Token(cron_path) cronmaster = token.acquire(startup=startup) if not cronmaster: return now_s = time.localtime() checks = (('min', now_s.tm_min), ('hr', now_s.tm_hour), ('mon', now_s.tm_mon), ('dom', now_s.tm_mday), ('dow', (now_s.tm_wday + 1) % 7)) if apps is None: apps = [x for x in os.listdir(apppath) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(apppath, x))] full_apath_links = set() for app in apps: if _cron_stopping: break apath = os.path.join(apppath, app) # if app is a symbolic link to other app, skip it full_apath_link = absolute_path_link(apath) if full_apath_link in full_apath_links: continue else: full_apath_links.add(full_apath_link) cronpath = os.path.join(apath, 'cron') crontab = os.path.join(cronpath, 'crontab') if not os.path.exists(crontab): continue try: cronlines = fileutils.readlines_file(crontab, 'rt') lines = [x.strip() for x in cronlines if x.strip( ) and not x.strip().startswith('#')] tasks = [parsecronline(cline) for cline in lines] except Exception, e: logger.error('WEB2PY CRON: crontab read error %s' % e) continue for task in tasks: if _cron_stopping: break if sys.executable.lower().endswith('pythonservice.exe'): _python_exe = os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, 'python.exe') else: _python_exe = sys.executable commands = [_python_exe] w2p_path = fileutils.abspath('', gluon=True) if os.path.exists(w2p_path): commands.append(w2p_path) if applications_parent != global_settings.gluon_parent: commands.extend(('-f', applications_parent)) citems = [(k in task and not v in task[k]) for k, v in checks] task_min = task.get('min', []) if not task: continue elif not startup and task_min == [-1]: continue elif task_min != [-1] and reduce(lambda a, b: a or b, citems): continue'WEB2PY CRON (%s): %s executing %s in %s at %s' % (ctype, app, task.get('cmd'), os.getcwd(), action, command, models = False, task['cmd'], '' if command.startswith('**'): (action, models, command) = (True, '', command[2:]) elif command.startswith('*'): (action, models, command) = (True, '-M', command[1:]) else: action = False if action and command.endswith('.py'): commands.extend(('-J', # cron job models, # import models? '-S', app, # app name '-a', '"<recycle>"', # password '-R', command)) # command elif action: commands.extend(('-J', # cron job models, # import models? '-S', app + '/' + command, # app name '-a', '"<recycle>"')) # password else: commands = command # from python docs: # You do not need shell=True to run a batch file or # console-based executable. shell = False try: cronlauncher(commands, shell=shell).start() except Exception, e: logger.warning( 'WEB2PY CRON: Execution error for %s: %s' % (task.get('cmd'), e)) token.release()